Thursday, October 31, 2013

Can We Be Saints?

Anyone that reads my blog should know by now that I talk about people I know all the time. Recently I have been writing a lot more about my loved ones like my family, friends, and girlfriend. Well the other day my girlfriend and I were talking and she said something to me that really hit deep. Three simple words, "Lets be Saints."  Now, at this point your probably thinking, Jake you have been in Alaska way too long and you are starting to lose it.  False. Anyone that doesn't see beauty in that statement is a fool and I will explain why.

Are we not called to be Saints?  Are we not made to live our lives with God's purpose on the forefront of our minds, always striving for excellence?  We are called to live as saints.  God did not make us to waste our lives away with meaningless tasks, but to live a life dedicated to Him and with a purpose. My most favorite verse in the bible speaks to the idea that we are made for excellence and to be the examples of saints.

1 Timothy 4:12 "Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe through speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity."

That verse right there is God's way of calling you out and telling you that you are made for more. Through your actions and everything you do you should be a shining example of the Lord.  This verse is God's way of telling us to be saints. The way we need to live our lives every single day never wavering from the truth about His purpose for us all.  We don't only need to show example through our actions, but above all else we can not become saints without the guidance of God. We must surrender ourselves at the foot of the cross and ask God to take control of our life. Allow him to do his work through you and make choices with God in mind.

As we get closer to All Saints Day, we should all begin to look at the saints lives and see how they sacrificed their life for. May it be St. Peter who is the rock of our church living his life the way God asked him to do or as St. Lawrence while being flayed alive he still refuse to denounce his faith.  Even people like St. Augustine who struggled with sins all throughout his life, but finally recognizing that God had a purpose for him.  All of these dedicated their lives to God as we are called to do. God forgave each of them for their past sins and those are the holy people that I want to hang out with when I go to heaven.
On this day we should reflect. Are we choosing to live as Saints or are we sliding by hoping to reach heaven?  After my girlfriend said "lets be saints", without missing a beat I responded "sounds good to me, lets do it."

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