Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Calling You Out

Men today are missing out on something very important.  They walk through each day failing to notice the beauty that is right in front of them. They go around failing to be the Christian men God calls them to be, but boys who simply look after themselves.   Most of you can guess the thing men are missing out on is the beauty of woman. Not just the beauty we physically see, but the beauty that Mary shows us by being the Mother of God. The beauty that men fail to recognize and protect the beauty in every woman.  I am writing this blog not only to tell the men what they are missing out, but to call all men out.  Call men out on their failure to recognize and protect this beauty. 

First, guys have lost the importance of protecting the purity of a woman.  One of the most beautiful parts of Mary is her purity.  The fact that Joseph her husband protected it and understood the importance of her purity is an example that all men should follow. A woman that keeps her purity is not only showing respect for herself but shows to her future spouse. It is a mans duty to not only recognize the beauty in purity, but to protect and strive to be more like Joseph in all their relationships with a woman. 

Second, this is probably one of the easiest things a man can do but fails to do.  Men fail to tell women how truly beautiful they are.  Today, it seems for a man to simply tell a woman she looks beautiful or gorgeous is difficult.  Men feel that terms such as hot and fine are good enough terms to use for a woman.  I hope the women who read this will agree with me, but the terms fine and hot seem to only address a woman's physical appearance.  When a man tells a woman that she is beautiful and gorgeous it encompasses so much more.  It encompasses the way a woman holds herself, her purity, and the way she lives her life for God.  Men these are two simple terms that every woman wants to hear from us.

Finally, every man can admit that the greatest struggle for a man is lust.  I mean God created women to be beautiful. The problem with this struggle of lust is that we give into it too much.  Guys we are weak and feel that giving into lust is the only answer.  We fail to recognize that every time we give into this temptation we are disrespecting the dignity of women more and more.  We are called to be the protectors of the beauty and dignity of a woman, but rather care for ourselves and our personal pleasures. Guys this is not only cowardly but the worst thing we can do.  We were made for greater and every woman should challenge a man to be greater than he is today.

Jesus did not sacrifice himself on the cross to look out for our own pleasures and desire. Jesus was crucified so that we were freed from our sins. We are called to support each other in all the struggles in the world. Recognizing that God has created beauty all around us and purity is the greatest beauty that any of us could obtain. Men I challenge you right now to stop looking out for your own pleasures, but begin to recognize and protect the greatest beauty God ever created and that is the woman that surround everyday.  Women I challenge to call out those men who stand around constantly being boys and challenge them to be the men that God has called them to be.

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