Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A New Friend and Inspiration

I have lived in Alaska for little over a year now and recently more than ever I have been getting inspiration to write more and more.  This writing will be a little different from the rest of my writings recently. This writing really has nothing to do with any part of my life, but what I have witnessed from a man that people know little about. A man who comes and goes at the church that most people see as the strange guy who talks to himself. Recently, this man has a completely different effect on me. This man's name is Gary and has become somewhat of an inspiration to me.

First, I feel that I should introduce you to Gary. Gary is the homeless man who seems to live in the woods somewhere near my parish and always seems to be around the parish when I am working. Gary has many different problems that are quite visible to others and cause people to avoid him most the time. When I first got to know Gary I was slightly scared of him to be honest. Whenever he was around he would pace back and forth cursing at himself and talking to himself. He was always a person to say hi, but still I tried to avoid him because I never knew what he was going to do. This idea of Gary has seriously changed in the past few weeks. Especially today.

Today, was the first day of snow in Juneau, Alaska. Which means everything is completely white and it is absolutely freezing outside. (very different from where I grew up)  All you really want to do is stay inside and curl up I a ball. Well it being the day before our diocesan Synod, it meant that the snow was just another obstacle in the mass amount of work we had to do today.  First part of this long day of moving chairs and tables was unloading a packing truck. As I climb up in the truck to grab the chairs I turn to find that Gary is there to help me out. No one asked him but he just seemed to show up.  As we begin to unload the truck I have my first conversation with Gary. Now, let me remind you that I have been here for a year and Gary is always around.  Today was different. Gary being homeless I ask the normal question like "how are you staying warm" and "how is the snow treating you". Gary answers those questions with simple answers. Gary then begins to tell me how he hopes everything is alright and how he thinks he could fix our door if we need him to. To most people this means nothing, but to me I saw a completely different side.

Among the other parts of the conversation Gary began to show me that he just cared. He made sure I didn't lift things by myself so I wouldn't hurt my back and checked if I needed anything before he disappeared somewhere else. To me he seemed to be that angel who would be there when I need him and then disappear. For some reason though Gary talking about the door stuck with me. People walk through those doors every single day, knowing that they are old and letting air blow through them, but Gary was the one who stepped up to take initiative. For the first time I realized that to Gary all of us at the parish aren't just people he sees everyday walk by him. He has an appreciation for all of us.

I said in the beginning of the blog that today Gary became an inspiration to me. He is. This man has almost nothing but the clothes he wears on his back. He comes and goes at the church trying to make sure not disturb people, but always willing to step in and help. People don't seem to notice him for the little things he does, but when he is looking for food or a warm place to stay for a while. Gary to me became much more than that. He today showed me what it means to be a person of God. He asks for very little, but seems to give so much.  Sometimes the people in this world who have the bare minimum seem to know the most about how to properly live.  Everyone seems to have their own "Gary" in their parish or community. Stop and think for a minute: This person has so little and asks for even less. What can I do to show Christ to this person.  I know after today I will have a different look on Gary and I hope the rest of you will do the same.

"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do."  Galatians 2:10

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