Monday, July 8, 2013


Have you ever wondered why things that are pleasurable for a moment are considered sinful?  I have.  When I was in high school I would sit in my room on a Saturday night and wonder why I choose not to go to a party. Why not going and smoke weed with my classmates? Why did I never go out and get drunk on the weekends?  Back then I had no idea what to do.  I would be overwhelmed with feelings of being an outsider and not being wanted by others.  I soon realized that I was completely wrong. 

The world we live in today is simply a world of pleasure.  Everything that is being promoted in the society around us is based off our need for happiness.  For instance, when you drink alcohol you begin to lessen your senses. Your body begins to lose feeling and you get a slight sense of happiness for a moment. People drink more and more just for the moment to have that feeling.  That happiness never lasts though. For instance, if you drink too much you wake up the next morning feeling like garbage and sometimes not even knowing what happen the night before.  The world fails to recognize another way of fulfilling that happiness needed for people to live a successful life. 

People constantly fail to realize every single day that they are loved.  Even those that have nobody and never found a place. There is one place that we are always welcomed and loved and that is in the arms of our Father.  The Love of another is the greatest nourishment that we need.  We don't need those false pleasures that give us a moment of happiness.  We need that nourishment that will last forever and never wears off. God is the only nourishment that we ever need. Every Sunday I go to mass knowing that I will receive that nourishment. Knowing that once I consume the Eucharist God will fully take over and will fill me with love and compassion. Now, just consuming the Eucharist is not enough. You must recognize that in that Eucharist it is Jesus Christ and he is fully present there. The key word to this whole understanding is recognizing. If you never fully recognize that God is present then you will never obtain this nourishment.  If you never recognize that the Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus Christ then you will not fully receive this nourishment. God does not make us to live a life of depression, but to be truly happy in everything we do.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! God fills the hole we keep trying to fill with temporary pleasure.
