Friday, January 31, 2014

Superman for a Day

Have you ever wondered how it would feel to save someone's life? You see in all these super hero movies people with powers who swoop in at the last minute to save a person from some sort of tragedy. Just imagine having the speed of the Flash or the strength of Superman and knowing you have the ability to save someone's life. Some of you may have never thought about this, but I seem to every single night as I fall asleep.

I will be turning twenty four in about a week. It got me thinking about all the different things I've done in my life. From being the awkward quiet kid on retreats to running my first confirmation retreat to the loud crazy youth minister I am today.  There is one thing that has stood above the rest from those years and that is my desire to change lives. What does that mean to me? As much as I would love to be Superman or the Green Lantern it's not going to happen. There is something that I can do.

First, the best way to save someone's life is to introduce them to God. Now, I'm not saying to go up to someone and ask them if they know who God is or walk up to someone and recite the bible to them. The single best way to introduce someone to God is to show them who God is to you. "Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words." -st. Francis. God should never be based off words but by the way you live. To introduce someone to God is to show someone that you love them unconditionally. That is the true introduction to God.

Second, the way to saving lives is to step out. While working at camp Chosatonga I was constantly challenged to step out of my comfort zone. Which became such a blessing and To be honest I would not be doing the work I'm doing now in Alaska if I was never challenged to step out at camp. Think if Superman never stepped out and just hid so no one would find out his secret. He would never been called a hero. We are called to not just own our gifts but to step out and use them to help others.

Thirdly, never forget to look for those who truly need the saving. I catch myself all the time thinking that my struggles are the worst in the world. Forgetting that people every day are struggling to stay warm or struggling to eat. I use to think that not having my dad around was the worst thing in the world. Then I realized some kids today have no parents and we're never lucky enough to be told by one parent they are loved. That doesn't forget about those around, but also look around and see who needs help.

Finally, my last point seems to be the most important and that is never forget to tell the people around you that you love them. Sometimes that is the only time they ever hear that. We are never going to be heroes like you read I'm the comics. We can be heroes to the people around us. Being a true hero is not swooping in at the last minute to save the day, but is the constant desire to love each and every person around you every moment of every day.